mississippi! and the lake titicaca and the uh.. canada canada mexico mexico something something paraguay

Right well! Here is round two of that stupid lost entry. I was originally trying for 100, then it was taking forever so I went for 25, but now the "rewriting is never as good, I better start fresh" angst is doubtless going to result in a mere ten. Alas! Alack!

1. I'm writing these all out of order. This is the fifth one. I thought I'd better go back and mention how the annoying radio station repeats songs all day, including Blackbird, so that number 7 makes more sense. Also, crappy hotel california at least 5 times a day. I notice every time because I unconsciously start singing along under my breath, only I misspeak the words in new and more retarded ways every time, like today it was "welcome to the good ship california" whatever THAT means.

2. I wish I could convince my friends to form an impromptu choir. We could sing barbershop, PDQ Bach, all those crazy spoken pieces like the geographical fugue and used car lot, selected dorky musicals. Tell me it wouldn't be fun. Sadly this and my attempts to form a marching band have so far fallen through. I need to get a strap for my guitar so I can march with it, man. There's only the knob at the bottom, though, I'm not clear on where the other end of the strap would go and too chicken to say, glue something on. I could hook it around the headstock, but that would make for a really awkward angle. Hello there, let me show you what we've got in a genuine bargain that you cannot resist. What's the price on the '49 nash, the one with the oil leaking out? I love Used Car Lot.

3. There's a new shelf in the kitchen. I almost just walked in to someone because it distracted me. Yes, I'm so bored that a shelf can totally mesmerize me.

9. I think in addition to having poor taste in clothing & home furnishings, my taste in men is a little more on the scruffy & hairy side than most people would like to have within ten feet of them on the bus, let alone cuddled up to them. Quick poll: Andrea Bocelli: totally hot, or "ew, hairy and old. and catholic. christ, brooke. haven't I seen him under the burrard bridge? I wonder where he stole the suit from." Anyway. The way his eyes are always closed in pictures of him singing is so cute.

4. I had to put 9 ahead so that I can now tell you that when you type in "andrea bocelli catholic" to google's image search, the only result you get is NOT a picture of andrea bocelli but of like, a photo double for chef boyardee. Bwahahaha. Trying just "andrea bocelli" will actually bring up pictures of my hairy italian heart throb. Eww, did I just type "hairy italian heart throb" ? Because I think if I did, it may be time to take me to the vet and put me down.

5. What if my clever plan of writing this in notepad backfires and my computer crashes instead? I may have to kill. The baby jesus would almost certainly cry. Okay, in that dumb curling movie we saw the other night, the curling announcer, my favourite character, used the phrase "the sweet baby jesus who died on the cross," which is my new favourite thing ever to say. My boyfriend has taken to miming out a wee baby nailed to a cross and crying. This is in rather poor taste, but at least so far it hasn't been in view of any old greek ladies on the bus. I have a feeling they'd bean him on the head with an umbrella.

6. I bet Pasadena is on the decline as a retirement community. No, no, no charge for such deep thoughts, thank you you're so kind.

7. Out of college, money spent / See no future, pay no rent / All the money's gone, nowhere to go. Why don't they ever play THAT one on the radio? I mean, Blackbird is pretty, but not 50 times a freaking day, and it's definitely not something you can wank out to.

8. In an asexual, playing guitar way, not a masturbate to beatles songs way. Inasmuch as playing guitar can get axesual and non-masturbatory. I like my misspelling of asexual so much I think I'll keep it as a pet.

9. I know, it's the second 9. Anyway, boss is in Honolulu. I don't really want to be there, because I totally melt in the sun, but I AM jealous of his getting to be in such a fabulous and ridiculous place name. It's like Timbuktoo only better. I think more city names should incorporate baby talk. I would pay cash money to live in Vancoululu.

19. I could handle there being a lawn chair here, some sun, some sunglasses, and a glass of something sweet and vodka-containing in my hand, maybe also some lawn flamingos and a little less paper work, fluorescent lighting and also no phones. If anyone should ask you. That's my stance on the matter.

Oops, 10. I can't stop playing this helicopter game. So far my best score is 798. Ha! Beat that! It will probably take you ten seconds! When I wrote the previous entry my best score was 608. At least I'm improving. Perhaps my low scores are an indication of my dedication to my job and my incredible work ethic. This argument is sketchy at best.

23. box cars long.

5., another one: It's at least 5 business days to send anything to Nunavut. Hee. Should have checked that before shelling out for Xpresspost, but whatever. I now know two city names in Nunavut! Maybe "city" is a strong word. I must visit one of them one day. Actually 3 if Alert is in Nunavut. I can never remember if it's still in the NWT or not. La la la.

skip a few 100. Hi.

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