when I think of the time gone by

Yay, almost done my biology paper. Well, I have all my notes done, anyway, now I just have to narrow them down in to a 3 page essay. I've been putting it off for 2 or 3 months; the knowledge that this is being marked largely on using the correct format in the bibliography has been somewhat disheartening. Anyway. Tomorrow I get to hand it in after a no-doubt painful "peer-review" hour, and then there is only one more tutorial after that.

The semester ends so soon! Happy, happy, happy. I feel like it's all downhill from here. I have one more test in practice lab, and then it's just getting myself to revise enough for the finals. I have 7 finals, which is kind of intense. They're very sanely scheduled - sometimes two on the same day, but always at least two days apart, like, there's a buffer day between each day with exams in which to get my shit together. There are only two that really concern me: physiology, which is the first one and the class for which I have been treating as a lunch hour, and chemistry, which I need to learn from scratch and memorize all sorts of things just to barely pass. However I was pleased to find out that the Chemistry Review Session #3 of 4 For Lazy Asses, which I thought I'd have to miss for a biology exam (the biology final is on a saturday, which just completes the absolute misanthropy (is there a latin jumble meaning "student-hating?) of the entire course), has had a repeat scheduled for just after said exam, so my ass is very probably saved from all sorts of excess study. Huzzah.

Tomorrow I am going to sing in a choir! I have been missing my choir and harbouring ill-thought-out fantasies of rejoining despite not having time for it; but I get to partially fulfill them by being a ringer in MIL's church choir for a piece I've performed before. MIL watches the babies during the service and so doesn't actually perform with the choir at all during services, only concerts, so they are kind of short of altos for services. Anyway. Tomorrow I get to rehearse and then sing on sunday. Pleased.

Now I am reading Guy Gavriel Kay's fionavar tapestry trilogy. For someone who previously scorned the entire genre of fantasy I've been reading an awful lot lately. Well anyway, it's quite good, and he's Canadian, which I didn't know. I've always sort of ignored sci-fi/fantasy specifically marked canadian out of some bizarre "1/10 the population = 1/10 as good!" mentality, but hmm, I am beginning to see how irrational that is. We have spider robinson! And guy gavriel kay! And robert sawyer and william gibson, although I personally ent too fond of 'em. Hmm. Who else? All I can think of are several sci-fi novels written by americans who have their characters visit lovely vancouver. (friday! the diamond age! heh.) Oh! Monica Hughes!

Here is a site about canadian sci-fi. Their index of authors is obviously not all canadian (ray bradbury? PLATO? uh..), so I have no idea what the thrust of the site is, but anyway all I want to draw your attention to is the illustration of a guy in a canoe running in to a flying saucer. So awesome.

Oh, enough delaying the inevitable, back to writing about busted ribosomes.

accordion wedding wrestler - 2003-11-25 18:30:59
About a year ago I read two very curious and different accounts of near-future versions of Vancouver, Luanne Armstrong's apocalyptic global-warming "The Bone House" and (former Adbusters managing editor blah blah) Jim Monroe's "Everyone in Silico" - both flawed works, but both fascinating excursions through new territory informed by the known underlying geography. Likely not as interesting to non-Vancouverites. Also -- what's with John Wyndham setting the Chrysalids in /Labrador/ of all places?
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