also my hair is frizzy. zzzzz.

Skipping math! Too cranky! I'm getting a little irritated with my math teacher. He's a fast-talker and now that I take a look, teaches verbatim textbook, even using their examples, so it amounts to me scrambling to copy down something I already have written down, and not being able to follow the examples because I'm still writing it down. Fascination.. absent.. It's a good thing biology is after math every day, or I would never go. I'm so tired and it's so easy to skip classes that do nothing for me.

Case in point: today, when there's no biology lab afterwards. I am going home for a nap. La la la. Maybe I'll use some of the 3 hours I save to read the textbook. I am scheduling myself to work on math questions 15 minutes a day, since we don't really do them in class, just copy them down. I did some yesterday. I was in a math trance when boy came home. He said hi, I talked with him for a few minutes apparently, and continued on with my assignment. Ten minutes later I heard him in the kitchen and said "Boy! When did you get home? Just now?" La la la.

God, I wish I'd kept my yap shut on digs. I'm definitely way too cranky to get on my "the plural of anecdote is not data" soap-box, which I should have considered before poking the sleeping bear.

"La la la"

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