It's a cigarette lighter! It can bring down an elephant!

Boing boing boing, so getting NO work done. I was kind of just in a dazed shock this morning, but it turns out that once I've had my coffee it's really easy to get all excited.

(thank you everyone for your kind congratulations!)

Boy's mum is totally giddy, and I think I almost got his dad in an accident when I called him on his cell phone. My dad had a typically reserved reaction, but he's been smiling ever since. My mom is totally pleased and a bit teary because "you're only just a baby!" I think I caught them all by surprise since we had everyone trained to stop asking us until I was out of school. I just had the longest conversation I've had with my grandfather in years: four short sentences, mostly monosyllabic. This covered my being engaged and him having terminal cancer. Very.. efficient. I woke my sister up, I think, but she didn't mind. "I KNEW it!" Well, that's true, she's been teasing me ever since I told her we were buying an apartment.

Sooo yeah, having a hard time focusing on generating an accretion table for a short bond book value adjustment, if you know what I mean.

At lunch we're going for lunch to get some cheap silver rings from a street vendor, since we'll totally just lose them anyway. Boy's mum was telling me about all the ways she's lost her ring. Apparently last time boy's dad bought her a ring he got two so she'd have an extra. Heh. Very practical.

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