It's a tricycle that contains alcohol and can help you lose weight.

And so equal marriage is (possibly temporarily) legal RIGHT NOW in ontario. So awesome. The two litigants in the BC case from my church are flying to TO to get married, whee! Meanwhile the liberals are taking their sweet time deciding whether to appeal the decision or not. Cauchon "really wants to take the time to consult with the cabinet" at some upcoming retreat. What's to fucking consult about? The courts will keep doing this unless you invoke the notwithstanding clause like Klein is threatening to do. You KNOW using the notwithstanding on gay marriage is going to be political suicide. Stop goddamn waffling, be a man, and stand up for fairness.

Did I just say "be a man" while urging someone to stand up for gender and sexuality blind legislation? I'm such a dork.

Anyway. Maybe the thought is that waffling long enough will partially placate the anti crowd among Liberal voters. That is so cowardly I want to cry. You know what people loved about Trudeau? Boldness. You want a legacy? How about commit to not appealing. How about introduce a bill NOW that legalizes equal marriage and how about supporting Svend Robinson's private member bill to add sexuality as a banned basis for discrimination / hate crimes. How about get off your ass and do something positive for the people of your country, yes, including your gay and lesbian constituents who hello VOTE, instead of sitting around and waffling yourself to a pension and non-place in history.

Just sayin'.

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