barfy, yet happy

I am off off off the paxil. No more chocolate pudding every morning to crush pills in to.

Actually, I suspect the chocolate pudding has been acting as the anti-depressant all along. Forget this silly SSRI business, it's the chocolate that's been nursing me back to health.

I feel a little nauseous. I thought I had some bad fish, but then I remembered back six or seven months ago when I started by magical merry-go-round of choosing a drug that I got nauseous and a little unsteady then too. I bet this'll go away in a week, like it did then.

I've read about all sorts of really weird side effects that people have had when stopping Paxil. Like, feeling like they were constantly being electrically shocked. Eek. I think I can stand the woobly stomach for a few days.

I like my new lab instructor. He's cool.

I'm sleepy. I took two hours comin' home from school last night 'cause I stopped at IGA to write down the prices of all the stuff I buy a lot of. Today, before naptime, I think I'll visit slaveway and buy-low and do the same. I've been reading these books with thrifty tips, and I've been converted. I guess those Girl Guide laws from way back have finally sunk in: A Girl Guide Is Thrifty, Damnit. I think that was #7.

I wish there were girl guides for layabout 20somethings. I loved getting merit badges. I think I could just kick ass at getting new merit badges like "Cheerful Phone Voice Even When Wanting To Strangle Caller" and "Speed Alt-Tabbing" and "Napping". Hmm. Actually I don't think even the 4 year old Sparks get napping badges.

Well, they should. It's an art, I tell you.

I say cross your eyes, I say dance dance dance I say don't you wear no rubber pants!

Okay, this is getting maudlin. I will leave you all with my friend's description of Vancouver, my hometown:

"Vancouver is _the_ city in Canada. No others can properly be called cities - some are villages, some are slums, a few are mixed-up maple syrup refineries, while most are painted cardboard mock-ups made for the recent film instusdry boom."

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
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