
My goodness.


Well, that's about all I have left to say. I am spoke spoke spoken out from bonk and e2 and everywhere. I had a few days off because the markets were closed up but now the TSE is back and so am I. Sometimes I have a funny moment when I think how I'm on a high floor in a financial tower, but then it goes away, because I am in quiet quiet lotusland vancouver. Went to a church vigil, and I feel some better. Enough better, anyhow. In the end, the world will sweep on past and cover me in a gentle blanket of things to put this behind me, maybe better things, maybe worse, but no decidin', no deciding and no point worrying.

I want to go give blood, but I'm not eligible until May. Oh well. After the wave of donors right now tapers off, there's still a huge demand for blood all the time, and being an ongoing donor will be the best thing, even if I can't right now.

If I don't faint next time, anyhow. I will finish my next donation, damnit. Well, I finished the last ones, but they had to take the testing vials from the donation because I freaked out and had the needle out. Ack, ack. This time I'll convince a nurse to stick around next to me so I don't flip out.

Anyhow, school carries on. My math teacher becomes slowly more tolerable, and my chemistry teachers remains wonderful. I have my first horrible thursday tonight (8 hours of work, 6 hours of school, 1.5-2 hours of taking the bus, and god help me if I need a nap), and my first chance to see/do/meet the chemistry lab. I hope I like it. Hands on chemistry is probably the absolute closest I can get in 1st year to the actual practice of pharmacy. Well, my day-job is pretty close too in terms of talking to clients and explaining things they don't understand and lots of paperwork and a strictly regulated industry and etc. and etc. and etc., but the chemistry lab part is probably a good way to tell if pharmacy is the area of expertise I should be in to do this job.

Oh, what a convoluted sentence! I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm excited about pharmacy, and I'm sure that will gradually translate in to skill and wisdom, with time and practice.

Boyfriend will maybe move in this weekend or maybe not. Up in the air! I think I've calmed down about it now, and I'll just sit back until he meks up his mind. It's a tougher decision for him than for me, I'm sure. I've moved like 25 times, he's moved maybe, once that he remembers, and he's been in his room for 11 years, and he's so close to his family. (heck, so am I. close to his family. they're just such lovable folks.)

La, la, we'll see how things go.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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