best ting? de ones dat step on yer toes.

I'm busy as a mongoose, and everything's getting to be A-OK. Yay!

I just started another round of school-after-work. My calculus prof is a little flaky, but oh well, just one semester. My chem prof rocks my socks. Yay. I was afraid I'd HATE chemistry, because that would be so sucky, because it would mean that pharmacy is NOT the career path for me. But, my awful experience with chemistry in high school be damned, so far I'm finding it to be groovy. Yay!

My boy is moving in this weekend. Yay! I love moves. I am vicariously excited for him deciding what to pack, and I am excited at the idea of new newness in the pad. The extra money for rent and the phone bill doesn't hurt either. =)

And the buses are running (YES.), and I've been working out, and I'm busy busy busy but it's all good. I'm a happy little miss yam.


I just did my math homework. I think math will work out okay too. I hope I hope. Back in the day I wanted to be a math major, but took Calculus and found it to be so different and unpleasant from the discrete math I enjoy. I took it twice the year I flunked out of university. This is #3, and I'm aiming not only to pass, but to get at least an A-, because I need to show the pharmacy folks when I apply that I have totally rocked over my rocky scholastic past. I think I have. I just found out I got an A+ on the Biology course that I took in the summer. Now there's a good start to things! Yay.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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