I wish I were an oscar meyer weeeeeeiiiiner, oh

Well my eyes are back to normal, but while I couldn't see, my peruvian skin rot* snuck up on me and now I'm the amazing 50-foot tall flaky woman. Only not so much with the 50-foot tall.

It's driving me nuts, but I've been avoiding using medicated cream for it, which I know would make it go away. I'm so worn out by the idea that it'll just come back anyhow that I don't care. At least it's not painful.

School is creeping along. "only 10 more weeks" just doesn't sound that relieving, 'cause like, that's frickin' months! my boy is going insane. "Okay, see you.. friday." he says on sunday nights. We cheated this week and he got to have lunch with me yesterday. So I can see him.. twice a week this week! Woop-te-doo.

But at least the school part is getting more bearable to participate in, even as it sucks my personal life dry. In chem lab I got my first two titrations within 0.10 mL, I got perfect on my first physics assignment, s'all good. I even did okay on the first physics lab which I didn't have time to even finish. (Bohr update: I rocked over the questions on the quiz! But then lost a bunch of marks because I didn't proofread it and gave the answer in the wrong units. Doh. But yo, that I can fix.)

RRSP season is heeeeeeerrrrre to stay... I need a vacation now. I will have to either get massively ill or wait until march or april, though.

I want more spare time to be all crafty. I have a new awesome book full of ideas from my penpal, and I want to make a dozen little shrines out of matchboxes and call it the shrine circus. I also want to paint my kitchen table (well, the part not covered by the 8-ton 1970 microwave, which I'm NOT moving again) and my coffee table. And I want to finish that quilt. And do something with that hideous lamp I have. And knit something, man. Maybe a pancake cosy.

* okay, actually it's boring, common atopic dermatitis. shhhh. peruvian skin rot sounds way cooler.

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