oh ye who taste that love is sweet, leave waymarks for the doubtful feet that follow you in search of it

I took this test before, and I was a daiquiri. I just tried taking it again, and now I'm a:

Drink me!

Which drink are you?

..mojito. Which is cool, I like mint. Then I was curious what virgin drink I would be, since I don't actually drink alcohol. But alas, I am an


Which drink are you?

ice cube! How depressing is that.

Aha, I can be a daiquiri

Drink me!

Which drink are you?

if I pretend I am really tr�s elegante. No matter what I do I can't make it give me a shirley temple, though, which is my favouritest drink. I have a bottle of grenadine at home.

Hee, okay that was fun. Did taxes with my boyfriend on the weekend for three years back and two years back. Good boy! Doing taxes is so annoying, but since he'll get like, 900 bucks out of it, it's a pretty good hourly rate... I gave him all sorts of valuable tax advice, like "put a stamp on the envelope" and "the cube-square law does not apply to your income threshold." He says maybe he will move in in two months. Cool cool cool. I refuse to get too excited about it yet like I usually do, since his work is still all contracting right now. la, la.

Lalala I love choir. We sang such a lovely introit on sunday. I have it stuck in my head forever now, which is kind of nice, since it finally displaced the rutter from last april which was previously the stuck in my head forever selection.

although now that I mention it, the rutter is back. but oh, it's lovely too.

I also love school, work (or at least, getting a paycheque in exchange for working), seeing my boyfriend, seeing my family, exercising, eating food, and doing my homework. This is all unfortunate in as much as it interferes with my concurrent love of getting an adequate amount of sleep. Sigh. This is week 5 now of 13 of the semester, I'm getting there slowly. "They cannot conquer forever!" I need to take a week. Or two. Off in april.

My cats are so amusing. They are both part monkey. Suzie in the sense of "acts in ridiculous, yet inscrutable ways", Toby in the sense of "approaches primate intelligence." Last night suzie spun around on her bum until she got dizzy and fell over, then looked around to see if anyone was watching and ran under the wardrobe. Meanwhile, toby was breaking in to the fridge to get a snack. Mental note: wash the lettuce.

I am the sleepy girl! But it's monday morning. Alas.

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