Rock of ages, blah blah blah

Okay, so my new cubicle-mate at the office is convinced I'm a devout christian. Every time she reads something about anyone christian she tells me about it. Today she asked if I was going to see Kenneth Copeland.


"Oh, he's this preacher, he's coming to the colliseum. I thought you might have heard of him, with your church.."

Apparently he's this noodlehead televangelist preacher who speaks in tongues. Yeah, sign me up for that.

I don't know why, exactly. I mentioned that I was in a church choir and she asked what church. We actually had this whole conversation about what my church was, and how it was full of atheists and pagans and wasn't a christian church in any way except in as much as 400 years ago the first unitarians were liberal christians. (I mean, my church has more services about yoga than about christ. other than the modified pageant the kids did at christmas, the only one I remember went something like "christ was a wacky guy - should we care? historical perspectives.") Anyway, apparently the part of this she remembered was "church ... christian ..."

Heh. Maybe I'll bring boy's cross in to work (currently the cross, a random wooden cross he found on the street, is above the kitty litter box. we figured if any area of the house could benefit from a little blessing, it was the litter box.) and start praying on the hour, just to freak out my boss.

important note: I totally have a crush on the very fictional prince Corwin from zelazny's first Amber quilogy. (quintology? what the hell do you call a five book series? I've heard quartet for four books. HHGTTG is no help, it's "a trilogy in five parts".) Anyway. He's a total babe in my imagination, and if he were real, I would totally do him. That is all. Carry on.

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