I'm here to tell you that she's evil, most definitely

Today I am all about proportional representation. Our last election ended up with 97% of seats going to the evil party that is currently dismantling health care and welfare while giving tax cuts to the top tax bracket, despite their getting like 55% of the popular vote. Boo. I hate petitions, it always drove me nuts when gramma blessherheart wanted me to sign one. But now I'm a registered canvasser for this one. If nothing else I think it would increase the youth vote, because it makes voting sound like a big fun game instead of like a hopeless act in most ridings. (My parents live in the riding of the head gargoyle of the dorky ruling conservative party. For years their vote has affected nothing. It's so gross.)

I can't wait for the city elections either. People sick of the provincial guys in office and impatient for the years until THEIR term is up might well help oust the conservatives dominating city council. Whee! Or at least elect a few more cope councillors. The two we have now are so awesome. They were the only guys who didn't run away when transit protesters came to city hall during the strike.

Augh my mouth hurts! Kill!

Joanna says I am the queen of the non-sequiters. I need to add that to my r�sum�.

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