and what holds me together

I might fly away for a week in august! This is exciting, I haven't travelled any since katimavik, if you count red deer as exciting travel. Then again, this trip would mostly be visiting other people's relatives in random small towns, so I don't know if that's exactly exTr3mE travel either, but I'll take what I can get.

we'd pass near Magog, my favourite place in qu�bec. I've never been there and it sounds like a pit, but one of my katimavik group mates was from there, worked at a mcdonalds. Man, she still owes me money. Anyway, magog is cool because everyone makes fun of it, it's near the lake with the funnest name ever, Lac Memphreymagog, and uh.. well, my random like of it is pretty random. There was a Magog in the bible, one of those guys whose claim to fame is that he begat someone else, but he's no relation to the town of magog, which is a short form of a corruption of a first nations place name.

katimavik is having their 25th anniversary celebration soon, but I'm kind of scared to go, although hearing crazy old Jacques H�bert speak would be cool. (This is an MP who is allll about the youth. When the original incarnation of Katimavik, his pet project, had its funding cut in the 80s, he went on a freaking hunger strike. A hunger strike. Man. I would totally vote for a guy who is that serious about representing his constituents, even the ones who have a really low voter turnout and pay jack diddly in taxes etc.) But anyway, yeah, most katima-events feel a little institutional, like a government office where, by accident, the government employees union was replaced by the Longshoreman's local 368: Mental Patients, Drifters, and Teenagers.

I have a new bed! I have a new bed! As in, like, an actual bed frame which makes my mattress in to a real bed and not a brick of foam lying on the floor, which is soooo ramen noodle. That's my new adjective of the day, by the way, you ramen-noodle consuming hosers. Anyway, it's cheap, I got to go to Ikea, and I only assembled it wrong once.

I saw men in black two the other night. It's okay. I wouldn't want to see it again. But it was so silly and fun and episodic that I secretly hope men in black will become some enormous james-bond-esque franchise where they make like a million sequels.

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