so I looked at the scenery, she read her magazine/and the moon rose over an open field

Alas! No big house full of folks for me yet. My voodoo curse has fallen through.

Are kumquats supposed to be sweet, or are they all sour like lemons? They smell sweet, certainly. I want to acquire a taste for eating lemons straight. A friend of mine does this and it impresses the pants off me. Like, I don't care if you can bend mack trucks with your hands, biting in to lemons without grimacing.. damn. You're Mr. T. I don't know what it is with me lately and wanting all these horrible tastes to be my friend.

I'm drinking normal coffee now. I've figured out my coffee maker and discovered that cream has incredible monkey powers which skim milk does not. So there you go. That didn't take long. Maybe I will stop posting the inane details of my coffee habit now, instead subjecting you to endless updates about how long my hair is and how close it is to being in a ponytail.

After the first month of playing guitar, I didn't practice much except on sundays, my jam night. But wow, practicing every day? Totally makes you get better. What a concept. Maybe if I keep this up I will be like, gooder by the time december rolls around, when I'll have had a guitar for two years. Gooder meaning "has worked through entire Guitars for Dummies book." Still on bar chords, but you know, getting stronger all the time. My calluses grow ever more visible and disgusting. I can't wait for really obvious creepy calluses like I have on my feet. I know my fingers have it in them. It'll be coooooool, man, like a scar from fighting a tiger. "Pour salt in that one, boy!" I'm so indie rock pete, you know it.

boy is all cuddly lately, and I find I'm looking forward to being in school full time, because then if I was on a normal schedule, we could share a bed. Up till now we've always taken it for granted that we'd have separate beds forever, but it almost seems like we could find a way to share despite our cranky stiff princess acts. How strange.

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