the yelllllllooowwwwww delllllllloooooooooooo

okay I STILL can't fricking register, but I had guessed that. so I will try monday at 6 am and I probably won't be able. and then probably monday at 6 pm I will be able to. and I will get in to chemistry just fine.

but ohhh! it is DAYS and DAYS until I know for real and sure! I'm so spoiled, and being spoiled for once is like being spoiled meat instead of la la princess land. alas!

alleycat is the greatest game. when you die, it says: ALAS! or OUCH! or stuff like that. but ALAS. What an excellent word.

I picked blackberries today, and now I am full of delicious blackberries and my fridge is too. I will make them in to two pies tomorrow, and also have some yummy looking raspberry & ginger chicken which I just set to marinate. mmmm. John Bishop makes an awesome cookbook, I tell you what. I got to eat at his restaurant once for my 17th birthday. Yum, yum, yum. I still have a wine bottle from that dinner. Nice french wine from the year I was born, signed "Best wishes! John Bishop." My parents drank the wine, since I was both underage and hated wine and still don't like it much. But I kept the bottle because wow, that was so cool.

It's sleepytime now.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
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