staring at those pretty tiles

Best cat game ever: calling the number of the pager (on vibrate mode) your cat is lying on. Sproing! Flying cat!

I am in a daze daze daze. I lie half-awake at night half-sitting up, trying to find the balance between upright enough to keep from coughing all night long and lying down enough to get to sleep. Last night I managed 3 or 4 hours of sleep, I think. Today is my long day, up at 5, home at 10pm. Snork. Cough. Hack. "Yee" "Haw"

I love runner's world. When I read it I just want to put it down and go running. (Is it inspiring or just bad writing that makes me want to run away? It's a mystery!) I am still not well enough to run, but soon, maybe tomorrow maybe Saturday. I put down "do weights in the morning!" for today, but what a retarded idea. Waking up, coughing, after 3 hours of sleep, I took the cheery post-it note reminding me to work out with me to the kitchen and dropped it in the recycling as I groggily turned on the coffee machine. But soon.

Today we make ASA in chem lab. Hopefully I will wake up enough by then to be all "aspirin, what a fascinating laboratory synthesis exercise" instead of "aspirin, sure, I'll take three."

So OUT of it! All these threads I have to keep braiding together, school, work, sleep, running, friends, and I can barely keep track of which way is up. Just doing my best to remember where I'm supposed to be and queueing up all the "thinking about.." "scheduling.." "working on.." "studying for.." for later. Hopefully my brain comes back before it all hits the top of the screen.

That useless quiz is the greatest. I am a lovesick green dolphin covered in postage stamps! Ain't it the truth. I could take it all day. I think it ignores your answers to the questions and just randomly assigns you a response. Because we all have moments in the day when we're a dinosaur too confused to plug in a desk lamp.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
start spreading the news! ASA is used as a platelet inhibitor and is in the reference drug program! - 2003-11-20
I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
when I think of the time gone by - 2003-11-16
the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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