sheer heart attack

Yay, it's almost christmas. I got to come in at the late, late hour of 7:30 today.

I went to a party last night and ate and ate and ate. I had a huge plate of food, two full bowls of dessert, ohhhh. Then this morning I woke up ravenously hungry. I think maybe I was designed to be a bear and by rights should be hibernating. I don't think I could manage eating pine needles like moomintroll, though.

I was reading all sorts of random questions on an "Ask a Rabbi" website yesterday trying to find out why kosher salt was called kosher salt. (It's used to make meat kosher by leeching blood out; it's not that normal iodized salt is proscribed or something.) Anyway, for a while boy was reading over my shoulder. I sometimes feel like maybe I should explain myself more to him, reassure him that I haven't gone off the deep end and no, I'm not going off to catholic boarding school or something, I'm not about to declare him ritually impure, I'm not going to sit on top of a platform in the desert eating lettuce from kindly villagers. I feel so ridiculous doing that, though. I am always so much more paranoid than he is; usually he ends up saying "Oh! I never thought of that. I was just frowning because I had some spinach stuck in my teeth I was trying to get out." and I just end up being "Oh. Oh. Okay." It must be strange to be him, to be with me, I mean. I am so inconstant. Not in the sense of being unfaithful to him, just in the sense of being so, I guess, ideologically flighty. Mercurial. Whatever.

I keep reading but I still don't pray. I am inspired by the lay of creation, but the god of abraham, the god of fire and brimstone seems so silly at times. There he is micromanaging everyone in the holy books, but where is he now? It's hard to get a hold of.

Ohhh too much pie.

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