sail the ship, bum ba bum, skip the rope, ba ba ba,

Ugh! I am so distracted I could barf. (Or maybe a frigate bird has found me, hee.) Unexpected and uncertain news on the weekend. Life is strange strange strange. It's not mine to talk about, but oy, I've sure been thinking about it. This is me putting it in a little mental drawer to deal with later when there's anything to deal with. Life is strange strange strange.


I went to an awesome concert yesterday! A medieval voice/vielle duo. The voice part is the excellent alto lead in my choir. She sang sephardic songs for an hour and a half and it felt like ten minutes oh it was BEAUTIFUL!

I did my math assignment two days early. Nyah nyah. I'm still behind on my biology lab, but I will do that today. And then I will be AHEAD on my biology labs. We had, finally, the biology quiz on friday, and of course since I've been studying for it all fucking week it was really easy. I still need to do some math practice, but with no bio quiz this week and being done my assignment, I will have time.

I am sending in my pharmacy application this week. Holy cow!

I mean, I'm SENDING IN my PHARMACY APPLICATION THIS WEEK. Okay this isn't that astounding but I'm pretty bowled over. Time sure passes, yes sir, time is not stopped forever. Day after day follows day any minute it will be July and I'll KNOW.

Back to work, back to work.

Yesterday was sunny and beautiful and the weatherman was wrong. I am hoping he is wrong about that there "70% POP" for friday, because I want to go for a nice long walk.

Is it the end of feburary yet? Because I want to do my taxes right now. There are a lot of things I want to do and know right now and also a lot of things I want to do much, much later and not know yet. That's life, isn't it? Never quite exactly satisfied and the complaints department is a one way trip. Hmph!

Okay back to work for REAL.

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I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
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