soup soup soup all day long soup soup soup while I sing this song

Okay, you know the frigate bird of the galapagos? You know why they're called that? They have these feathers that aren't waterproof, so they can't dive down to get fish. Now, you may be thinking, Hmm, well a frigate is a boat, so maybe it's because these birds float along the top of the water. But really what's important is that the frigate is a PIRATE boat. These birds fly up to other birds, grab them by the tail (frigate birds are very large), swing them around until they puke, catch the regurgitated food in mid air, and fly off again. Bahahahahahah they're PIRATE BIRDS.

So: the biology department lecture on the galapagos was worthwhile going to even aside from the free cookies.

I love my sister. She's my hero. Today's topic: REVENGE. Her roommate had brought home 5 loud drunk guys, they were listening to KISS really loudly at 2 am and having a wrestling match. She asks them to shut up and get out of her house, and they don't. So, she fills their shoes with water and goes to bed. Twenty minutes later, she is woken up by people pounding on her door yelling YOU EVIL BITCH!!!! Hee hee hee. "That is revenge, my friend! They're unemployed losers who can't afford a taxi, so they got to walk home in the cold rain with very, very cold feet, and you KNOW they were thinking about me with every step. Ha, ha, ha. The next morning I didn't mind getting 2 hours of sleep, it was worth it." She's brilliant, I tell you.

I made peanut-butter-marshmallow squares this morning and ate three of them. Ohhhhh what a mistake. So sweet. Barf. Later I got a wonderful thai dinner cooked for me by boy and my mom. Yum. She even made squid.

Jack Layton won the NDP leadership race! I am so excited. NDP go' come back from the dead, I'm telling you.

Losing coherence. Bed imminent. I even finally was unlazy enough to put my clean sheets back on the bed, after sleeping on the couch for two nights due to my laziness.

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