What's right is right but you ain't been right yet

I think I will go quit my gym today. I feel kind of dumb because it worked out to be fairly expensive to pay the $50 joining fee just for 3 months, but whatever, I was going regularly for most of that time, so it was worth it I guess. But lately I am going hardly at all because it doesn't work with school, so I don't need to pay $45 a month for the pure pleasure of feeling guilty about paying $45 a month. I was reading my running magazine and I want to go running, but I don't really have time until april, and then it will be light out long enough to go running around whenever I please, so there.

I have been going for long walks once a week, at least. Maybe I will try to lift weights more often, but actually maybe I won't. I am NOT going to try to be the schedule queen this semester.

Ohh this weekend I was so wasted. I didn't do any homework and I could barely stay conscious to do anything else. Saturday I went computer shopping with boy's dad (I am getting a laser printer this week! How exciting.) and then spent the rest of the day falling asleep on their couch and then their bed and then dozing off during the church sing-a-long, and then dozing off at the jazz band we went to see, and then dozing off in the car. So sleepy. At one point I was trying to get out of their bed to make it downstairs to sing and I ended up tripping over my blanket and taking a nap on the floor because it was too hard to get up. Ha ha, okay body I get the hint. I also brought home my empty guitar case because I was too zoned to remember that it should contain a guitar.

We are buying an apartment! Now that the initial amusement of school and RRSP season has worn off, I am starting to get excited about this instead. How exciting! In a month I think we'll get a mortgage sorted, and then go shopping. I can't wait wait wait. I want to leave our tiny crappy apartment right now. My mom was saying something about mildew and formaldehyde yesterday which has got me all paranoid now. Eww, mildew and formaldehyde. I wish I know what the mystery brown goo that keeps appearing on the bathroom ceiling was. Boy's dad has offered to build us a wall of bookshelves in our new apartment, which would be so totally awesome, except in as much as it would just encourage me to spend my student loan on used sci fi paperbacks instead of tuition. No, no, no.

I can't wait to be in school full time. I will have a magical cheap bus pass! I'll NEED a magical cheap bus pass too, since I won't be working full time. La la la. I am appreciating more and more how I'm working full time while getting ready to go back to school, because it means I can do things like buy a printer or buy interesting optional texts or go have dinner out now and then. Living on a student loan is going to be a big adjustment, especially while my roommate is living on a programmer salary. Probably he will just share his take-out with me, but I'm expecting lots of random guilt about the whole affair. La la la. We are trying to figure out how the mortgage will work if he wants to pay for lots of it while I can't, which I approve off since yo, less interest to pay. The math is giving me a headache, though. Maybe I'll make a bizarre spreadsheet involving time value of money but having a shifting degree of ownership sounds hard to wangle contractually. I'll have to ask dad for advice. And stop trying to give YOU a headache.

I have lemon cake with blue icing today. It looks like smurf poo. I'm not sure I can bring myself to eat it.

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