dem bones dem bones dem dry bones, I hear the word of the lord

Okay well, I think I will go speak to him. I'm trying to decide what to say to him. I think maybe the best tack to take is that he has a responsibility to give us feedback about how we are doing, and right now I am unable to judge how I am doing.. and won't be able to until late march, the end of the semester. I have a lot of angry words in fantasy land I'd love to yell at him, but god knows angry people venting at ME never makes me very inclined to help them. I am responsible for my emotions, he is responsible for teaching the course.

Sigh. And just in case, I am getting the student solutions manual for the textbook, which I think has more problems. My study schedule this week has 6 more hours of math problems, because that's about the amount that I need to do to stop worrying about math class.

Monitor prospects are looking up, though. I lit a fire under CFO-man about my fuzzy monitor. See, he got upgraded from CFO-boy to CFO-man when he said he'd take action soon. If he forgets about it again he may sink back down to CFO-GRRRRRR, but we'll see.

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