suffer us not at our last hour

Well, I have a new monitor. New is perhaps a strong word. I have an old monitor on the verge of busting, but with a crisp image. It can't be adjusted to tilt up, so I have it propped up with five student loan booklets, and the image is actually on a slant so I have a box of staples under one side so I can look at it straight on, but uh.. well the image is crisp. It's a CRT so I still need to wear these stupid reading glasses. Or not, ugh, I get a headache either way. CFO-dork only dug it up because boss was nagging him because he wanted his monitor back. He gets points for getting me a monitor at all, I guess, but you may note he's been downgraded from CFO-boy to CFO-dork for managing to find the brokenest working monitor there is for me.


My bread turned out well, anyway. I'm so cranky. I want school to be over. 4.5 more weeks. Bleah. So cranky.

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