passus et sepultus est


blergh! I am so put off by george bush and america today. I just want to sail away in to some safe orthogonal plane, maybe lease a large ocean so that our nearest trading partner is alberta and bombs in america won't foul my children's water. Though I'm sure half of the population of the states feels the same way. War war war. Bush's staff are making noises about seeing if the UN "will continue as a relevent body" - EXCUSE ME? And making vague noises about how dissenters will pay a price. Uhhh..? Meanwhile, shhh, so-called partial birth abortions are banned. No clause about health of the mother. Greeaaaaat. Or say, providing health care to the mothers endangered by and the premie babies created by this ban. Coat hanger futures look bright! I want to vomit. At least my government will like, pay for an abortion for me if I need one, but ugh. Health care in general in the US makes me want to cry. So many people! Ugh.

So many people, that's the thing. So many people just in his own borders are being dragged along in bush's little crusade. Ugh! I'm so glad france is all "hello, veto!" these days. If bush wants to run the world, I want to have a goddamn vote.


So. I have some nice blood oranges for lunch. And a sandwich. La la la. Oh, my heart isn't in it.

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