aquarius! aquaaarius. oh man, I'm going to sing-a-long sound of music next week. and a play. and it'll be a holiday on friday. and a PONY. and my bio exam I guess.

It's friday! I leave in 11 minutes! And my dad just bought me coffee. Yay.

Busy long day yesterday and busy long day today but it feels like VACATION. School is awesome but also: school sucks my time, energy, will to live, ability to colour with wax crayons, etc. etc. But no more school until september, and that will be full-time == hoo-ray school. In the meantime I will colour with wax crayons! Paint with fingers! Eat paste! My preschool life will be complete?

I think it's the part of the day where I am incoherent.


So this weekend there are two choir concerts and a family dinner. Know what else? NOTHING! I might spend HALF AN HOUR rewriting biology notes. If I feel like it.


I think maybe it was the swedish fish. Oh lord, I got a box of candy in the mail, right after going on a massive shopping expedition and buying enough food for a month. I am not eating much of the food since the candy is really much easier to eat. Very, very sad. I hope the US develops socialized health care soon so I can move there for their sophisticated good candy technology.

Heh, okay no I don't. It would stop being novel and I would be far away from my family. I'd go nuts just moving to a suburb, let alone another country.


words in the background:

"I would get a parrot if I could, but you have to let them out of their cages."


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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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