robot parade, robot parade, robots obey what the children say

Oh my fucking god. Two programmable calculators disallowed. Remaining calculator DIED halfway through. Long, terribly written exam. Like, 12 legal-sized pages. AUGHHHH.

Also there was an earthquake.

Okay seriously, YAY, math is done!!! I got to use my favourite calculator, I got an answer I think is right for every question (it was really 12 legal-sized pages, but mostly to leave room to write huge long answers in.), but it wasn't so easy that EVERYONE got a perfect mark. Couldn't have asked for a better exam, basically. Four or five of the questions were actually pulled right out of the textbook. Out of the odd-numbered questions. Out of the odd-numbered questions that you may recall yam doing ALL of in a masochistic math phase. Ha! Two of them I even remembered the exact numerical answer, which made checking my work very easy let me tell you. The gym was even nice to write in. I got a huge table at the front all to myself and they laid down cloth on the floor to keep it from being echoey.

Tragically they locked up the basket balls or I would have SO started a game of catch with hyperactive math man. Everytime he saw someone with a question he would run at top speed to their table, say boo! (quietly), and then answer their question. Hee hee hee. I'll miss you alien math man. But not your crazy exam angst generator. I wish he was teaching calc III in the summer, that would be awesome. Crazy excellent teacher, plus it would have absolutely NO effect on pharmacy, so I could totally not even check my marks on the exams. But no, it's the instructor with a speech impediment who's teaching it, and he's nice but I can't understand a word he says, so instead I will take no courses at all.

So: YAY! Math is over and I think I did quite well for myself.

And yay! Just a cake-ass-easy biology final left between me and blissful sloth. Well, the kind of blissful sloth where you have a full time job and a part time job, and you're buying a house, but shhh.

Oh whoah, the choir concerts are this weekend! I have NOT really been able to think beyond today all week. But uh, whoah, rehearsals tomorrow and friday and then two concerts. Choir seems like a foreign country at the moment, I have been all math all the time the last three days. Wait a minute. Okay, that was me putting my solutions manual on my shelf next to the dusty discrete mathematics book I haven't cracked since '97. Neener neener!

Okay, so has this cute home-librarian kit with cards and a stamp and everything. After talking about it with my friends I am half convinced that I will skip right over the cute kit in to insane library dork land and install a catalogue program, print out barcodes for all my books, organize them (Library of Congress! Dewey would be too .. easy.), get a cheap barcode scanner, make library cards for my friends, make "FOR REFERENCE ONLY" stamps. Hahaha, I'm so excited about it it's hilarious, like, I'm excited about spending useless hours doing something that a scrap piece of paper with a list of books people have borrowed would totally replace. (But I could search my catalogue! Not that I would need to, since I know very well what books I have and they're all in alpha order already.) Dorks on parade!

Oh man, I need some real food. At school I ate like a doughnut, some chips, a slice of pizza, a coffee, and a nougat bar. Somehow the tossed salad just wasn't calling my name. Maybe tomorrow I'll go hit the salad bar in the food court. Mmmm, salad bar. I think there should be a law mandating that every food court has an awesome salad bar, because dude! Everyone loves salad bars!

My brain is so fried. But did I mention that MATH is OVER? The limit of yam's math class as t approaches now is OVER. SWORDED. YES. Ok food time.

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