god heather pisses me off.

sooo tempted to edit a message on digs today to say "Actually, what I meant was: you hypocritical bitch, leave my friend alone." This is NOT very big of me.

as a side point, I find it really really annoying when people edit their messages other than for spelling or to fix a link. I find there are various people who regularly do this when they think of a new point, or most irritatingly, when they have already seen a reply and want to change their post to make themselves look better. barf, sack up and live with your message. another board I hang out on lets you edit messages for 30 seconds after you write them. (though you can "preview" them endlessly to check your spelling before it's actually posted.) After that it's written in stone unless you get an administrator to change it. I like that system, though I occasionally put my foot in my mouth with it.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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