It's a trouser press that's two inches tall, catches spiders and can pick up digital radio.

Sneeze sneeze sneeze, apparently I am allergic to work. Sadly this is not really enough to get me on disability. This is going to be hay fever year in my little allergy saga. Boy's mum suggested I get allergy shots last night, which is a brilliant idea. Ooh! I should have thought of it sooner, like, before allergy season so I don't have to wait for months. Oh well, it's not like I can predict when allergy season is going to be. When I got hives it was august to november. When I got crazy eye syndrome it was like every 3 months, sun rain or snow. Then again with the climate here it's probably some tree or another spewing out pollen non-stop year-round, never mind what the charts say.

I've been doctor cranky all weekend. Yesterday I used my super-glare on opera-boy at church, who totally deserved it but I felt bad afterwards and left right after we were done singing, to prevent myself from like, bitching out the minister or something. Zap, zap, zap. I seriously am ready to kill someone and I think it's just because I'm kind of stuffy and groggy and jealous of everyone who isn't. Last night I was trying to decide which of the seven dwarfs I was. I think it's a tie between grumpy, dopey, and sneezy.

Holy crap, we're moving in less than 2 weeks. I haven't started packing, I know the mortgage closing and stuff is next week, haven't arranged insurance yet. Plus all this wedding stuff - trying to get invitations out, hashing out with boy what the hell we are going to do for a ceremony blah blah blah. It's all just a little bit too much and added in with allergies I am a TOTAL shit-for-brains right now. On a scale of 1 to genius I am about a 2 today. I managed to get dressed, although actually I'm not really as dressed up as I should be for work, but anyway I feel this is better than a pet rock could do. That's.. something.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
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the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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