It's a telephone that's monogrammed (up to three letters)! It slices vegetables.

I am the bitchy cranky queen! God I hate allergies. Last night I was making wedding invitations and I got boy to help me cut things out. I had kittens when he did it using a different method than I would, which is a pretty ridiculous thing to get all het up about. I am getting lots of sleep but it doesn't seem to help. I am considering building a giant pollen ray gun to wipe out all allergens within 50 miles so I can return to my normal sunny self. Har har well anyway, my normal mostly tolerable self.

We are moving in two weeks! Holy CRAP. I need to pack, pronto. We are so clever this time, we are moving over two days. Next friday we are moving all the boxes and cats and things (and maybe my mattress? I don't want the cats to be all alone.), and then on saturday we are moving all the furniture in a truck. Or well, boy and my friends are. I will be cleaning my life away for the move-out inspection.

I am plagued by a vague paranoia that the landlord hasn't got my notice, but then that's his problem I think. I put it in his mailbox a week early. I'm only wondering because I asked in it specifically to give us our 24hrs notice before showing the suite and here it is the 13th and he hasn't shown it to anyone. I guess either he hasn't gotten around to it or he's been coming in while I'm at work anyway or something. I got the place originally at the very end of the month, so maybe he's just lazy. I don't really care if he's been coming in without permission, I'm just worried that he used my notice for dental floss or something. He has a post-dated cheque for june's rent that I need back, and I am SO not in the mood to fight about it. Whatever, he's totally just being lazy, this is the landlord who takes six months to return calls about two-minute repair jobs.

Also, holy crap I'm getting married. I've been wearing a ring for a week and I already feel strange when I take it off. Maybe I won't lose it after all. I am going to be taking his last name, because it's too silly to pass up, and so anyway this periodically freaks me out. Not in an "ack!" way but a "whoah." way. I will have to stop calling his family the L__s because we will be the L__s too. Hrmm! Our parents are totally about the son-in-law, daughter-in-law thing. Well, boy's dad has been accidentally calling me his daughter-in-law (or daughter-in-law-elect, which made me glare at him 2 years ago but now which I think is cute) for years, but now he can remove the "OOPS" at the end of the sentence.

Anyway. It's all crazy-talk, I am telling you.

Back to bright yellow. I couldn't take the black background anymore, it was too depressing.

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