Send her victorious, long to rule over us, something something something man, god save the queen!

Goddddd blesss victooooooria! La daaaa dee dahhh!

Yes, it's my favourite holiday, Victoria Day. Free license to run around singing swatches of the pirates of penzance all day, to wit:

SERGEANT: On your allegiance we've a stronger claim. We charge you yield, we charge you yield, In Queen Victoria's name!

PIRATE KING: (baffled) You do?

POLICE: We do! We charge you yield, In Queen Victoria's name!

(PIRATES kneel, POLICE stand over them triumphantly.)

KING: We yield at once, with humbled mien, Because, with all our faults, we love our Queen.

POLICE: Yes, yes, with all their faults, they love their Queen.

ALL: Yes, yes, with all their faults, they love their Queen.

(POLICE, holding PIRATES by the collar, take out handkerchiefs and weep.)


Anyway. Today I went biking around with my mum. 30k! Whoot. We went to see the beach where the picnicweddering is to occur. We've decided to have a big barbecue. Exxxxxxcellent.

My house is a total disaster. So many boxes, so much stuff still to do. Wah. It'll all be over this weekend, though. And I am SO excited about the new place. I will get my own bedroom! There will be a laundry machine! Rent will be the same as it is now for our shitty 1BR, yet will give us the use of a 2BR place and confer equity upon us! I'm not sure I'm allowed to be excited about that last at my age, but shhhh.

The cats are tearing up all the boxes, it's totally sad. As a booby prize, though, they then sit in the holey boxes and look cute. Awww.

I have a cell phone now. It's so convenient. It's about the size of an ant, seriously. Science marches on even when I'm not looking, apparently.

I have to fold like 50 more goddamn origami invitations. I knew the minute I thought of it that it was a dumb idea. Oh well. They look so cute. I think I need at least one ridiculously fussy aspect of my wedding to fret over. Everything else is coming off without a hitch. Yay!

Time to leap over the mountain of crap that is currently my den. Leap!

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