It's a bar of soap! It bleeps when you whistle for it!

Well, I got home and promptly tore the list up right away. Hah.

I went for a 9 mile "run" with dad yesterday. We ran the first half, and then my left foot starting hurting so bad I had to walk the rest of the way back. Sharp pain like shin splints, but in my arch. Owww. Today it feels awful. I hope it's not a fracture or something. It might just be the hard sandals I'm wearing today are making it worse. Maybe tomorrow I should wear my poofy fish slippers, that'd go over really well at work.

I was getting all depressed about my electric prospects, but now I have the scoop that the cheap squier I wanted comes even cheaper in some crazy all-in-one pack packaged with a cheap amp, tuner, cables, etc. etc. Exxxxcellent. I know the lundermenaces I hang out with will just disassemble any amps I get anyway, so there's no point in getting a fancy one. I make it sound like they'd just break it, which is so not the case - they've been rewiring amps basically from the cradle. (I'm so not kidding. I swear to god, if boy and I ever have children, I'll need a grounded, steel cage to keep them in to avoid having them disassemble the house. Maybe with tigers and a moat.) It just makes me nervous to have people fooling with my appliances. I get all huffy and keep asking if everyone is properly grounded. ANYWAY. Maybe I will make the trek out to the huge l+m in surrey today. Even if they don't have the crap-o-matic kit (oh, not SO crappy. The squiers are pretty cute. I think just the doodads are a bit sub. But then the guitar is worth about the same as the kit, so no loss.), they're bound to have a better rental selection than the vancouver store. Or maybe not, it must be rockstar season in surrey too. Well, whatever, something to keep me off the street.

Ohhh I feel like someone is flossing my head. I think I need a new pillow or something. I wake up sore every day ever since we moved. Maybe the different street noise has changed my ninja sleep-fu routine in to something more painful. I should sleep in outer space. Unless spider robinson is right, then I'd just get a sore neck. Hmm.

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