and now, an entry that ISN'T about running

..except to mention that I think the next race I do I will wear my superhero cape. I read an article last week where the author said that although he doesn't think anyone in a spiderman costume ever won a race, he's glad they run it anyway. Heh. Well okay not to the triathlons, it'd get wet, but next running race.


So! What a busy weekend. I totally missed the harry potter release party. I set my alarm for 11pm, and apparently it went off and I had a conversation with boy at that time, but I don't remember any of it. All I remember is waking up at 4 am and going DAMNIT! Well anyway, I'm gettin' a copy today, hoo-ray. Although I've already found out who dies, GRRR. I don't know why I'm so upset about this, since normally I read the last page first anyhow and I totally will this time too. Actually I lurve Rowling so much because even when I read the last page first I'm still surprised by how it turns out that way. So awesome.

Saturday was our fabulous hypothetical radiohead cover band practice! I guess we're not all that hypothetical anymore. So fun! We did not suck as much as we thought we might. It's so cool to play with a drummer! We all had to play quietly, though, because we couldn't find boy a microphone. We found a telephone speaker (speaker, not microphone) in the basement that boy's brother had made as a scratchy mike for a bad harmonica player. We used that for about 10 seconds, but despite the hip long-distance sound it wasn't amplifying anything much. I need to make a superhero cape for our drummer. He wants a hammer on it. Hah! Can do.

I have a bag of smoked salmon skin. Mmmm. It's a good thing I can go home by lunch time these days, because I dare not bring it to the office for lunch. No one would be able to bring clients in because it would smell like a.. uh.. place full of stanky fish.

Oh man! During the race I saw a bald eagle dive, catch a fish, and start munching on it on a rock as I went by. So awesome.

Last night was Our Royal birthday supper. Boy and I consolidate our birthdays now for maximum birthday-princess action. Whatever that means. I was given a beautiful green glass star shaped tealight lantern. I'll have to bring it to Illuminares. Unless I get it together to make a paper lantern myself this year.

I also got a lesson on how to adjust my guitar. I now have schweet schweet low action and somewhat better intonation, although we decided I'd have to sand down the nut to make really improve things. That's a bit too scary for me, but I may undertake it eventually. I've found I really like fiddling with my guitar. Maybe one day I'll make one. Uh, but maybe not. I think next time boy and I move we need a big workshop. I'm sure he agrees, he's already beggared for enough space for his electronics workbench. But like a big shed or a basement with room for: electronics, stained glass, woodworking, repairing random shit, a huge flat sewing table, painting, doing jigsaw puzzles without the cats trying to eat it, building robots, making monster wheelchairs to eat manhattan. Aw bjyeah. Well, in the meantime we'll just have to do all that stuff in the living room.

I have discovered a way to majorly improve my knitting speed! I am attacking my sleeve with renewed vigour now, though it is still disappointingly not finished yet. Maybe maybe maybe I'll be done this damned sweater by the fireworks, which will be the 1 year anniversary of having started it.

yam - 2003-06-23 13:08:19
tra la?
yam - 2003-06-23 13:14:36
yay, it works. kind of.
yam - 2003-06-23 13:21:33
la la vs. la
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