heeeeeeere I am sitting in my tin can

yay, I made the dress! except for the SUPER patches. but the dress/pattern nonsense is over with. the hems are a bit sloppy, but white on white, who cares. my multiple screw-ups in doing the neck are more or less invisible in the final product, so hah, I'm such a genius. (yes, "able to roughly follow patterns marked `Very Easy'", that's totally going on my r�sum�..)

I remember reading an article on chickclick years ago about a DIYer's wedding. To save money she made her own dress, which she estimated took her 1000 hours to complete, including making a full-on mock-up in cheap muslin and then the whole damn deal. Ouch, I can't even imagine. My 2 hour $20 dress is looking pretty hot right now, man. Maybe 3 or 4 hours total when I'm done adding patches. Ha ha ha.

Tomorrow I can sleep in! Again. What with being sick and now canada day it's been a big impromptu vacation this week. Actually now that I only work 5 hours a day it feels like vacation 24/7. 19/7? Anyway. I walk out of work at 11:30 and totally feel like I'm cheating. Whee!

I have a big crush on stitch'n'bitches. I feel so full of crafty accomplishment every monday night, which is pretty great for a monday.

banderz - 2003-07-01 21:48:34
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