the fabulous marvel of excellent land

6 hours ago! Tsk tsk, I totally updated at least 18 hours ago. I just had 3 hours of sleep but it feels like 10. Perhaps because I slept for 80% of yesterday's daylight. Tra la! Tomorrow is a stat holiday, which will further cement the Sleep Oddities I have going on. Meanwhile I think boy went to bed before me and stands a fair chance of waking up just before I get home from work. We are on different sleep planets he and I.

I think I will Start The Terrifying Wedding Dress tonight. I noticed last night that the pattern is marked "Very Easy," which has shamed me in to tucking my intimidation in to a closet.

I sound dreadful! I have a horrible hoarse cough and I am making disgusting snorting sounds every few minutes and I haven't said a single word so far for fear of sounding like a plague rat. As it's the day before a holiday, I may not have to actually speak to anyone at all except for dad. It feels like an ill-fitting mask: I feel fabulous, maybe a tetch sleepy, and then I think "Oh, am I still coughing? How terribly out of date."

9 weeks of work to go, peppered with my wedding, 2 family birthdays, 2 stat holidays, a triathlon, my pharmacy interview inshallah, the fireworks, the lantern festival... summer is going to fly away before my feet. or behind my feet? I'm not sure either makes sense. 3 years I have been in this job and I can't quite believe I'm so close to the end. And more than 2 years I have been anticipating starting pharmacy school, and I am now so close to doing that. In 10 weeks I will be in school full time! And for four years! This is so astounding I can't really believe it. I expect I'll be marvelling for the whole of first year.

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