up, up and away

cape success! but I'm never trying to sew something so hairy again, no matter how shiny the hairy material is.

I am so, so blessed to have so many retarded friends who are willing to wear my superhero capes.

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she's running out the door oh she run run run

I am the games champion of the company picnic! Consequently I am the proud owner of a bunch of crappy mutual fund logoed gear: a duffel bag, a sweatshirt, a mug, two hats for some company I've never heard of, and some golf tees. I'm forbidden (in a ha ha sort of way) to bring the duffel bag in to work, since that company has no SRI funds whatsoever. Har. The logo on the sweatshirt is very discreet, though, so I actually quite like it, except for how it's big enough to be a bit loose on boy, let alone me.

I could probably trade it in for a smaller size. I could call up the mutual fund companies any day of the week and ask for this stuff without participating in embarrassing team sports, but whatever. It's sort of nice to think that the last memory of me some co-workers will have is carrying cotton balls in a ladle, blindfolded, while wearing yellow clogs. Beats "photocopying in a black suit," maybe. My super-triumph was in the engineering challenge. We were given a bag full of household goods (balloon, nail, safety pin, rubber band, paperclip, pen, wooden propeller and axle, clothespin (no spring) q-tip, straw) with which to make a device to travel 5 meters as fast as possible without being touched. In the event of a tie the team that used the most items won. Two teams blew up their balloons, shoved everything else inside, and blew them slowly along the course. One team was smart enough to not put the nail in the balloon, heh, so they actually made it across the finish line. My dad's team made a little airplane! This was quite clever, but sadly the materials were a bit too heavy to be propelled 5 meters by the flimsy rubber band, so it didn't get to the finish line even after 5 tries. I took the straw and blew it across the course in 8 seconds. Ha ha. The games organizer was kind of annoyed that I won - she was rooting for someone who used all the stuff she's painstakingly assembled. Nyah nyah.

So yeah, outwitting drunken co-workers, fun times I guess. I usually judge how fun the bbq was by how many vodka coolers it takes for me to enjoy it. This year: 2, down from 3.5 last year. That reminds me I have alcoholic rootbeer in my fridge that's been there like 6 months. I should have brought it; at this rate it'll stay there another 2 years. I don't like to drink alone, my friends don't drink or anyway not with me. Maybe I'll save it up against future drunken university antics; I understand health sciences students are very good at neglecting their health. Drug and alcohol abuse is shockingly high among pharmacists. !

Ho ho, time to make a cape beofre band practice.

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dead empty office! all the golfers have left the building. I am knocking back coffee after coffee, amazing boss with my internet research sK1lLz, and tapping my fingers in an annoying fashion as I await quittin' time.

My interview is monday the 14th, in the afternoon safely after marketclose. Perfect! And it's downtown. Perfect! And the questions are standardized, so I may not ever have to own up to the saccharine essay I wrote on my application. Sincere, you know, but honestly "I want to work at children's hospital" - there's no way to make it not sound smarmy and fake. Sigh. Of course, this also means I probably won't be called to live up to my offer on my r�sum� of performing Johnny Cash tunes. (The structured resume asked for a phone number to verify every. single. item. I had some phone numbers, and then a LOT of paper backup in lieu, like a 16 page appendix to my 2 page resume, it was surreal. But then things like "hobbies", like I don't have a guitar proctor or a running monitor they can call. So anyway for "guitar, 2001 to present" I put "will play johnny cash tunes on request" in the phone number column.) ANYWAY. Whatever they thought of my application, it was good enough to get to an interview.

I can't wait!!! I'm surprised how un-nervous I am. I know I interview well - I'm just looking forward to the chance to talk to 2 pharmacy nerds for half an hour. 10 days!!!

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immerse yourself in love

I made a sock puppet last night, super excellent. I embroidered the eyes on and I want to learn more embroidery stitches now. So far I know "crooked stem stitch with cheating" and "gibbly stitch to attach feather boa." I've finally decided what kind of quilt to make with Church Lady Who Owes Me Quilting Lessons: a crazy cube-y design like on the cover of this book, on to which I will applique a Q*Bert and a snake, which will make it geeky enough for my room.

Today I have fruit salad inside my crazy-quilt stuffed toy bag and I am wearing yellow clogs. I feel terribly garish. I think I will wear fake flowers in my hair to the company bbq tonight. Tra la! Weeks left in this job: 8. Interest in keeping up my dour, professional front: dangerously low.

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'cause I'm a creeeeep

Well it looks a bit fruity, doesn't it? Like some beautiful but gross-tasting fruit salad with mint in it in Martha Stewart Living. Oh well, I'm feeling a bit kinder, gentler today except at the bottom of the page.

I have a new purse made of stuffed toys. It's brilliant! I also have one that looks like a nursing cat. I think I finally understand the compulsion to not only have more than one purse but to wear a different one every day. I still don't understand the compulsion to spend more than $20 on a purse, however. Hmm, I will need to make key fobs of some variety for these purses. I think jelly bracelets from the 80s are the answer.

I'm on such a craft rampage. I am already 3 inches in to my afghan. My latest scheme is I want to make a lab coat for myself instead of paying $40 for a shitty scratchy thin one from the university bookstore. The problem will be to do this in such a way that I won't lose marks on professionalism in the labs. So I'm guessing that embroidering Thelma, all-pharmacy bowling league on the breast pocket is out. But so, so tempting.

hermia - 2003-07-03 12:37:58
dude, you went back to that neon-make-my-eyes-scream theme. Oh well, I love you anyway.
breana - 2003-07-03 14:11:37
Ow. And it makes me thirsty. That is all. :P
Malachai - 2003-07-03 14:13:58
It looks like froot loops with all the cherry and grape removed. Just add milk for a healthy breakfast.
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yay it does!

Beware my template changing today! And also the ides of July.

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testing testing 1 2 3

tra la? does this work?

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hyperactive drunken city!

Vancouver just won the bid for the 2010 Olympics! I have mixed feelings about it, but it's still very exciting. More money for transit, hey! ..for big-ticket projects rather than plain ol' service upgrades, but whatever.

7 years of hype, scandals, and chaos, starting... now! Oh it'll be fun.

Hmm, maybe I should switch to livejournal style, I am definitely making more than one entry a day.

breana - 2003-07-02 13:45:32
You must collect these. It is your sacred Canadian duty. http://www.captaincanuck.com/covers.htm
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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
start spreading the news! ASA is used as a platelet inhibitor and is in the reference drug program! - 2003-11-20
I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
when I think of the time gone by - 2003-11-16
the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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