wolfhide, bearhide, aldehyde

scattered. I'm trying to ditch my elaborate food plan, since it feels too obsessive. I have a lab today, doing tests for biological molecules. Groups of five. I'm doing the obligatory fretting about working in groups: I won't be able to cope! It'll run late and I'll miss my ride. If last time is any indication, it'll go fine, I'll take charge of the group because I'm me, and if we finish late, it'll be because I was explaining something to someone in my group. But whatever, fret, fret, fret.

My boy has a job! He started yesterday. It's hard to get to with the transit strike still on. He hems and haws about maybe coming to stay with me because it would be so convenient. I am trying not to be too enthusiastic about it, lest I scare him off. I like the idea a lot. I hope if it actually happens, that I won't go roommate stir crazy like I did with my old roommate. I think I can avoid it. Part of that was being irked that I had to turn down the PDA with my boy when she was home, so that's something that obviously wouldn't be a problem. If I had a roomy I wouldn't have to move out to save for school, either. I am trying not to be too enthusiastic, but um, whee, it would be cool. I think it probably won't come about now, though.

It's my birthday in a few weeks. 21 sounds very new, but 20 sounded very new too and now I've grown in to it. I think I've come to terms with being older than most of my classmates at college and the fact that I'll be older than most of my classmates (I think) at university if I go in to pharmacy in a few years. In school, I think I like being older. I have the motivation to work hard now, at least more than I did. Being so much younger than everyone last time I was in university (I was 16, living in a heavy drinking residence, bleah.) was stressful. Besides, everyone at work is still "you're TWENTY?" when I need to feel "la, la, I'm so young".

When I'm eighty I bet I'll get a kick out of other residents in my nursing home saying "eighty? but you're so mature.. I thought for sure you were at least ninety!"

I suspect a conspiracy on the part of the international alliance of aldehyde & ketone sugars for a free tomorrow. Those bastards.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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