arr, I be a blueberry pirate

is there a more traditional song that uses the tune to "Hitler has only got one ball"? A group of veterans played that in the parade at the remembrance day ceremonies yesterday. Hitler's ball(s) didn't seem quite solemn enough.

I'm such a spazz. My whiny uterus has been making me cranky all week. Last night I had a major bitch moment railing at my pseudo unemployed boyfriend. Deep breath. Apologized this morning. I can't believe I wigged out like that. Calm down, girl. We'll move out whenever we can, not according to your mystery schedule not based on reality. deep breath.

almost got squished last night. rear ender two feet in front of me in the crosswalk. a fellow pedestrian looked at me and we're like "Shiiiiit!" in stereo, it was great.

I'm not quite sure what to do with myself now I'm not on my diet. It was so convenient being told what to eat. I can't tell if I'm eating enough food now. My appetite's a bit off. Maybe I'll go count up the calories and make sure I'm not going to keel over.

The office is so quiet today. Ahh it's nice. Holiday, so most people are off, but the markets are open, so there's a skeleton crew. Someone has still put on the insipid phone music (UAUGH COULD WE TURN IT OFF FOR ONE DAY?), but there's no one talking. Bliss. I get depressed when I don't talk to people at work, but my basic instinct really tends towards professional hermitism.

meteor shower this weekend. I hope the sky is clear.

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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