secret aaasian man.. agent man? whatever.

So I ran my race on sunday. I ran the whole way, except for at the water station. Woop! And I was faster than I had hoped: 36:something. I am so extremely pleased.

Floating on my cloud of happy, I begin to think "well gosh, another semester of two classes, only this time both with labs and also with me going to choir and all this during RRSP season wouldn't be so bad!". Uh oh. I think I will too. This time there'll be dinner breaks in the schedule, at least. If I do, I hope boy moves in during the semester sometime. Or else I'll never see him.

I like ajax's fun facts! Here are some fun facts about obb:

I eat vitamins shaped like cute puppies and feel absolutely no remorse.

I won the "biggest windbag" award in highschool chemistry. So very proud.

I can't swallow pills, but I want to be a pharmacist. Shhh.

I hate rice. (I know, it doesn't taste like anything.)

I have my own stapler. And a bowler hat.

In highschool I wore bright yellow gardening clogs every day. They were comfortable.

I have so many freckles they join together. (They spell out an S on my nose, no doubt because of my "S"uper powers.)

I get up 5:30 every day but I'm still not a morning person.

I make good hollandaise and bad chocolate milk.

I still sleep with a stuffed toy. Miss Honeybee. I will until I'm 102, so help me.

I secretly enjoy listening to "Jingle Cats".

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
start spreading the news! ASA is used as a platelet inhibitor and is in the reference drug program! - 2003-11-20
I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
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the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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