it's my party, I'll eat pie if I want to, pie if I want to, pie if I want to. you'd eat lime pie too if epi brought some to you, doo doo doodoo doo

I am so excited for two reasons:

My big party is on saturday whee whee whee! I bought the scavenger hunt prizes last night, I love the dollar store. (STUDDED LEATHER CUFF! ONE SIZE FITS ALL! Zoo Toy Kit - Now With Giraffe Stickers of crazy fire hydrants! Dollar store velvet stretch underwear! Okay, who's brave enough to wear dollar store underwear?)

AND! Amandafaith and Epicurus are coming to visit me in two weeks I think! YAY! I will sponsor Amandafaith's application to be a canadian citizen and show her the best corners to squat on. Epi is bringing key lime pie! And I can get ditch my gawdawful robert jordan books on him! A-ha-ha! I can't wait. I hope it doesn't rain, then we can go to stanley park and feed the monster squirrels and then feed the squirrels to the beluga whales. Or something. Yay!

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