walk like a man

It's getting warm and fuzzy out. Well, where fuzzy is understood to mean rainy. But warm, anyhow, and lighter and lighter every day. The sun officially set at 6:30 last night, but I walked until 7 without turning on my secret nightvision.

This is the week of no more labs! I didn't realize it until just now, but this is the last chemistry lab (I love the cham labs, but they're so goddamned late at night), and the last physics lab (hate hate hate) is tomorrow. Wordy mcword to that.

And there is a full moon on thursday. I feel like such a lunatic pagan the way I am constantly referring to my printed out sheet of sun and moon rising and setting times, but I am really desperate for light right now.

I need to play my gee-tar more. It makes me so happy on sunday nights when I play with the family. (well, his family. god help me if we ever break up, I'll cry as much for losing him as for losing them.)

I want more light too because then I will go out and walk and run because it's fun instead of right now, where it's an activity mentally dominated by the mouldering, festering idea that I'm fat. I just bought jeans a size up and they're snug, snugger than the lower size was when I bought it. Bleachh. I even went through a brief paranoid phase last night of wondering whether I was pregnant. (Which is ridiculous; the birth control method I use is rated more effective than STERILIZATION. It's more likely that I was struck by lightning without NOTICING than that I am pregnant.) I try to redirect the thoughts to "I am getting strong" and "This is so good for my heart" but it's hard to keep my mind from wandering. I am overweight, but god, I don't take up two seats on the bus. I'm just waiting for my brain to get with the program and snap out of it.

Eggs are pretty silly looking, aren't they? They're so cute and ridiculous.

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