one day, while cruisin' through the hist'ry books...

It's april fools day! But I'm too happy to fool you.

I had an easter egg hunt on saturday which turned out to be a lot of fun. Too.. much.. chocolate.. We played several rounds of Eat Poop You Cat, which is always hilarious. Captain unhappy teaches the class which direction is up!

School is almost almost over. Two weeks, and that's including exams. 6 school days. A HA HA! I have a chemistry midterm tomorrow that I haven't really studied for yet, but I will tonight. I'm debating how much to study for it after realizing last night that my standards are.. too high. I was dejectedly talking to my boyfriend about how I thought I might only get a B+ or an A- in these courses, and he was like "you're insane! those are really high marks" and uh, oh. he's right. so maybe I shouldn't flip out.

then again, studying never hurts. the higher my marks now, the less irrational worrying I will experience in the agonizing seven month wait from the end of my classes and when I find out if I get in to the pharmacy program or not, right? Well, maybe. They don't call it irrational worrying for nothing, I guess.

Today the sun is shining and I didn't have to leave the house until well after sunrise. I got up and even made my bed and cleaned the kitchen sink, which is frankly kind of creepy of me.

Next week is daylight savings time, which sucks on one level, in that my mornings will be plunged in to darkness again for like another MONTH, but on the other hand it means it will be insta-summer in the evenings. Besides, I will take a week off work this month sometime (hmm, I should decide soon), and I will definitely NOT be getting up before 6 that week.

doot doot a loot doot

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