the driving skills americans should really strive for

I saw The Billy Nayer Show last night, and they were fuckin' awesome. They played three songs involving monkeys, the cute (but eerie-in-a-"in an alternate universe, charles manson was a family man and theatre of the absurd guru"-but-not-that-creepy kind of way) frontman had a purple suit, (AND a ukelele AND an electric autoharp, rock fucking on) and the space-bass player had a crazy rubber face. It was great. I was so thoroughly entertained. I hope they get to make their werewolf film.

But I was there the night he [Jesus] rolled his truck.
And I remember thinking, "What the fuck, man?
He was a real good driver.
He was a real survivor.
He had the driving skills Americans should really strive for."

man that's a great song. I think I'll have to incur me some brokerage fees to get the album.

Chem prof marked the midterms super quick, and I did in fact rock out on it. I panicked when I first got it back because the mark was way lower than I expected, but it turns out she just misread my diagram for one question. Poof! 10% higher! God bless proofreading.

School is almost over! One more week! One more assignment! Two finals! Combined with the increasing amount of sunlight around these parts, I am so happy I can almost forgive daylight savings time for plotting to steal my daylit mornings for the next month.

My new favourite word is caper. It's a verb, it's a noun, it's a pasta topping. Everyone wins.

Fries with flavoured mayonnaise, instead of being disgusting, are really tasty. Man. Who knew? Okay, everyone in europe. Shut up.

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