you're a hamburger. you better face up to the facts. you're a hamburger.

I'm getting a new neighbour at work. On one level this is really irritating, as it will increase my workday paranoia. (Up a notch from "my boss is about to fire me, even though he's my dad and I'm doing an excellent job" to "also, my co-workers suspect I'm an agent of fraud and destruction and have planted a spy") BUT all the moving stuff around is pretty fun. They're going to rip out the useless shelves behind me and put in more filing, and I've been spring cleaning and reorganizing.

It's amazing how much of the stuff around my desk I haven't even LOOKED at since I started here. Hee. Okay, last guy's daily journal from 1997 - toss! Tax guide for 1999 - toss! Redundant client statements from 1998 - goodbye! Windows 3.11 version of Lotus-1-2-3 - la la la! It's very therapeutic.

I'm sure it'll be fine. Probably having even someone irritating to talk to (if she's irritating, I don't know and I'm sure she's not) will be good for me. Break up the whole "say three sentences a day to real live people" routine, anyhow.

So, moving around fun, s'all good.

I'm suprisingly non-sleepy today considering I went to bed at like 2:30 last night. We did some late-night baking and made a freaky tie-dyed cake for a friend's birthday, and went out to deliver it at midnight. It was the scariest cake ever. So much sugar and food colouring. It was like the strobe light of cakes.

Anyhow. Back to the batcave.

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