mario cuomo works at domo

I woke up yesterday with Dr. Swollen Eye again, which is always fun, in a sort of blotchy way. My eyes are still a bit swollen and want to stay closed, which makes me feel really sleepy, because if my eyes are drooping on their own, I must be totally exhausted, right?

This might be easier to fight if I actually had been getting enough sleep lately, but as usual I haven't. Though I'm starting to wonder what amount of sleep I actually require. I know my mom sleeps several hours a night less than dad and has for most of her adult life, but she's not the one who needs afternoon naps. It's a mystery. Well, the globe said recently that they found that people who slept too much had reduced lifespans, so at least I'm safely out of THAT camp..

I saw Spirit: Stallion of Cinnamon Buns last night, that animated talking horse movie that just came out. It was pretty awful. Brian Adams vs. a Matt Damon robot vs. horribly clashing animation styles, all competing for the "Most Irritating" crown. The onion reviewer was pretty right on - its heart and wallet was in the right place, but that's not a good enough reason to make a film, people. You need, like, a plot, for one thing.

Anyway, there's only so far you can, as an adult, trash a G-rated movie that you KNEW brian adams was singing in, which you went to see of your own free will, before you start totally dissing yourself in the process.

Man, so I'm one of those annoying movie-talkers. I never realized it until the other day when we saw star wars someone asked me if I could keep a lid on it until AFTER the movie. Heh. It was pretty hard, even supposing sticking my tongue out vigourously (I wonder if that phrase will excite the search engines..) didn't count as active heckling.

My chem instructor is really grating lately. She talks at 8000 miles per hour but also repeats herself constantly. Result: lectures feel horribly rushed, and she is visibly upset when someone asks a question and gives unhelpful monosyllabic answers to save time, but the actual content of the course is covered very slowly. Worse, it's covered almost verbatim from the textbook, making the classroom a horrible fast-forward "books-on-tape" fiasco with no actual incentive to attend. I wonder if she's helpful during office hours, or if it's more of the same "well, that won't be tested" bullshit. So far I haven't found out; I've just been reading the textbook in class.

Lab reports are so easy this term. They have pre-made little data charts for frickin' everything so far. Maybe if we're lucky we'll get to do like, one graph. We're allowed to show calculations on the back of the sheet. It's crazy lax compared to last term. I'm kind of disappointed in a horrible schadenfreude kind of way; it was always satisfying to watch my chronically under-prepared bench mates (the ones who broke glassware and didn't report it, thus ensuring I shared in their lost marks..) scrambling to make a data table at the last minute and omitting things or doing it backwards or getting marks off because it wasn't underlined or some damn thing. Anyway, but for my pure malice, I like the pre-digested data tables, because lab reports now take like, 15 minutes, and that's including the time I take to write all my calculations out in ridiculous complete sentences, which I do in lieu of proofreading. Which is a pretty roundabout way of being a lazy bastard, but it works for me.

Bizarrely, having a cubicle-mate now makes me feel like I have headphones on all the time. I'm so aloof, it turns out. Here, I'll non-commitally grunt at you. C'mon, it'll be fun.

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