I'm looking for the girl..

I have caved slightly on the purse front; I managed to smush my swiss army knife and lipbalm (yes, two kinds) and a bus map in there now along with my wallet and keys. But no crescent wrench, I swear.

..but only because my crescent wrench is now in my bike tool kit! muahahaa. We went to MEC last night to get like, one allan wrench and came out with like $200 worth of toys. Okay, some of that was stuff like a new bicycle seat that boy needed, but still. So now I have a new rack for my bike which attaches only to the seat post instead of interfering with the wheels, and a rack-pack that sits on it, to replace my very cute, very handy, very useful metal paniers which weigh like 8 million tons. The new rack is itself lighter than my old rattrap, so my bike is soo much easier to carry. I also have a schweet toolkit now, with a multi-allan-tool with like two or three thousand allan keys on it and some sockets, my crescent wrench, some replacement tubes and a patch kit, a little pump, some other random junk. I got some linesman pliers too (instead of a leatherman, because they were all like a hundred bucks), but they're so heavy we didn't put them in the toolkit. But we needed linesman pliers anyhow because ripping shit apart is fun.

so: yo!

okay okay last night I went to an awesome concert! Perpetual Dream Theory played two like, one hour+ sets at the starry dynamo. at the end when they played Real they took shouted out genres from the audience to play the song in for a verse. Heehee, "surf". Anyway, they rock hard. Go to their site and download some mp3s. Actually, you can download that very version of Real, and hear my voice for two seconds suggesting "HAPPY HARDCORE!"

(disclaimer: I don't really listen to happy hardcore.)

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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