when you're with a girl, freight train don't sound so bad. when you're all alone, oh the blues get low and sad.

I feel like there's dental work going on in my head, it's the weirdest feeling. Or like there was brain surgery last night and they left their watch in my skull by accident. It doesn't hurt, exactly, it just feels like there's something there, squishing my brain a bit. Disconcerting. I feel like I'm forgetting something too, but I don't know what. Well of course I don't know what, obviously I've forgotten it. But you know. I'm so list-manic that I doubt I have, though. I'm going to have too much coffee today. I had a coffee this morning (with marshmallows! you know, that was a great idea, self.) before I remembered I was going to go out for coffee later on. I just went out for coffee, but my friend wasn't there. But I had a coffee while I waited. Anyway now we're going for coffee HONEST FOR REAL later on, so I will have more coffee. After chemistry class I will probably FEEL like having more coffee, because I don't care how great the teacher is, and this one's fine but not incredibly captivating, sitting and listening for an hour will put anyone to sleep. I was just reading that people speak on average about 50 words a minute, but think 200-250 words a minute, more or less. So no wonder it's boring, we have 75% or 80% of our brain time to fill up with distractions. Anyway, anyway, anyway.

Trades today settle on September 11th. It's getting annoying, doing a dumb doubletake whenever I read the settlement date. It's like the 13th floor, I think we should just skip that day altogether and move on. We can add an extra day before new year's or something. Like the ancient mayans, they dug the number 20, counted in base 20, all their months were 20 days long. But 18 months of 20 days only takes up 360 days, so for the extra 5 days of the year (they were savvy astronomers, see.), they declared a big ol party time. A sensible idea, if you ask me.

Although really I just want there to be a name for it all other than "September 11th." It's so fantastically arrogant. If I say November 11th, I'll be lucky if you remember it's Remembrance Day (oh, the ironing. heh.), nevermind that it's the anniversary of the WWI armistice, and you'd never assume I was referring to the actual November 11, 1918. Or Pearl Harbour, to pick a more similar event I guess - I'm sure it was pretty traumatic at the time for the ol' american psyche, but do we call it December 7th? No, christ. That would be nuts. It's not even a date; it's a day, a day that happens every year. The event does not, will not, inshallah, happen every year. People born on sept 11 will get cringes and trauma for years on their damn birthday now. It's like we're trying to ensure that the wound never heals over. Great. Way to be. Faugh.

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