the man in the woman, the woman in the man, it was all for the union

Happy, happy. It's raining and stuff is all screwed up at work, but I am pleased as punch with life in general anyway. That's life for you, isn't it?

The scavenger hunt was lots of fun. Wet, very. I even managed to give all the prizes away. Well, I'm stuck with the green Super Putty, but that's better than the broken 28.8 modem and the moldy modelling clay and plastic figurines from last year. I don't know what I was thinking. Besides, I can use the super putty (SUPER is in huge letters. We're not silly, no sir, we're super.) to make a model of choo-choo bear, the best cat ever.

Our new minister at church is awesome. I missed his sermons in candidating week last spring, but wow, he's great. It was an intergenerational communion service this week so he didn't give a sermon, but I'm looking forward to it. I get the impression he's a kindly hippie dad type, which so suits our congregation. Anyway. That was cool. I'm so happy choir has started up again and I'm back after a year away. I missed singing a lot. Even if we've only been singing Kumbaya (barf!) so far.

Actually our rendition our Kumbaya was pretty.. okay. The arrangement we have is a little too joyful and bubbly. But then immediately before we performed it, it was announced that a long-time active member of the congregation had died in a car accident two days before. Ack! Anyway, that toned it down a bit. Grim way to do it, though, can't recommend it.

I am taking first aid this weekend! I can't wait. I'm actually kind of nervous about waiting, actually, it's the same feeling you get when you've been walking leisurely to the bus stop and then run the last block just in case. I'm half convinced there'll be some terrible accident I'll witness requiring first aid assistance, maybe like, a half hour before my class. Because we all know God is an iron.

Okay, now I totally have less than one year left at this job. Because even if my schedule is fucked up and I can't get the classes I need, or if I don't get in to pharmacy for some other random reason, I'm going to school full-time in the fall. Insha'allah in pharmacy, but otherwise taking organic chem and whatever-all else I can. Anyway: rock! Not that this job sucks, but having dediced to leave, I am ready to move along. In less than a year! Yes, never again will I spend Sept. 6 in this office. There must be a greeting card out there for this momentous occasion.

Worms eat my garbage! Or they will. I went to the compost workshop, heard the worm schpiel from Crazy Worm Lady (I guess if I'd been conducting compost workshops for 20 years, I'd be a bit loopy too.), and now I have a bouncing baby worm composter next to my front door. The worms are so wee and cute. I fed them last night for the first time. It's so exciting, which is a bit stupid because like, I'm excited about worms and bugs crawling all over my decomposing, rotting food. But uh.. go worms go, damnit! The garbage will be a lot less stinky now. I got a recycling bag a while back too, so our garbage output has been radically reduced. Word. I will have to start a garden on the balcony to put my compost in to. My jade plants have been exploding with fertility lately, so although the end of summer is probably a dumb time to start a garden, I think my plant karma will never be better. I mean, I have a HOUSEPLANT that is FLOURISHING instead of DYING. In fact, it's had babies. I am cooing with incredulous joy over that one.

Speaking of cooing, the babies at church were so cute. I melted. A bunch. It took many, many minutes before the rational part of the brain kicked in with "..and you're NOT having one now, kid. NO BABIES. BIRTH CONTROL. WRITE THAT DOWN, PLEASE." The time is so not right by a margin of probably 5 years, but oh, it's hormone fucking city around here, I tell you what. Coo! Barf.

once again, I totally dig the way I improve at guitar when I practice. the ability to learn: great idea. good one, god. or whatever.

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