agnus dei, agnus dei, qui tolis peccata

Well I don't really have anything to say but I wanted to get rid of the 11 September rant. First chemistry lab was yesterday and I have the whole bench to myself! Mu ah ha ha! I don't know why everyone always tries to cram 3, 4 people to a bench, it's retarded. Like great, more people to get in my way, get my chemicals mixed up with, wait in line behind in the balance room, and to break glassware and lose things that will be deducted from my marks as well as theirs. So, while most of the class is 3 to a bench, I'm the only one on bench one, apparently because it's far away from the door. Because in a 3 hour lab period, it's really important to be able to leave the class 3 seconds faster, even at the cost of taking an extra twenty minutes to complete the lab. Ha ha ha. I win.

Although half the labs this term require you to work in pairs. That bums me out. I'm not an asocial wreck, but I am a control freak. I want to exceed the standard of precision we're held to, because chemistry lab is the closest I can get so far to the practice of pharmacy, and since I'm working full time and am dogtired most afternoons and really for dinner and/or bed, I want to do the lab at 80 miles an hour. To get both happening, I make a list in advance of all the equipment I need, in what order, and suggested times for prepping and washing, like when I'm heating something. It's fantastically anal-retentive and it creeps out all the partners I've had so far. And I usually have to spend an extra twenty minutes explaining calculations or theory to them so we can move on faster. I sound like a pompous ass here, but that's usually how it goes. I have to work hard to dig on the classroom work, but I have a knack for labs and lab calculations. I set a department record in biology for highest mark on a lab test ever, I got 95% in the physics lab for the physics course I understood almost not at all, I finish first in all my chem labs and get accurate results anyway. It's like one of those lame "super powers you never knew you had" from the brunching shuttlecocks, like "Able to pick out donuts everyone likes" or "Knows which franklin mint plates will actually go up in value." Not terribly super as super powers go, but I'll take it. It's a big comfort, actually. I'm terribly imprecise in other areas of my life - I'm constantly cocking up baking recipes and stuff like that through carelessness - so it's nice to know that when it's serious, I do actually have the ability to be precise and attentive and efficient. I won't be making deadly mistakes with medication. I guess I knew it already; I've been in this job two years without any trade errors. It's a good thing to worry about, though, I guess. Probably the worrying is what makes me good at it.

Hah, well okay apparently I did have something to say. I should have specified "nothing interesting to humans" to say. It's friday, la la la! But the weekend won't be all that restful. Taking first aid course from 8 to 5 both days. Oh well. Then I'll know first aid. Maybe I'll learn the first aid treatment for mild sleep deprivation, kill two birds with one stone.

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