No more in darkness no more in night

So we're working on haydn's something or other in choir. A requiem for saint someone, everyone has a freaking requiem. Anyway, we're learning how to pronounce it as "viennese latin." Who knew there were latin regional dialects? Like 'cause latin was a dead language in Haydn's time too. So anyway I was thinking "Damn! In that case, I am writing something in Qu�becois latin! Hah!" Only, it's a church piece full of religious terms. So in Qu�becois latin it would be a big string of swear words. So I had this mental image of my choir getting up in front of the congregation and swearing loudly in french for 20 minutes. We could be the C�LICE! choir instead of the Chalice Choir. Hee.

Ok maybe not.

I think I need to scale back my running. I have been spending more time worrying about how to fit in a run than actually running. Maybe if I just try to run four days and do weights once, instead of 5+2, I will actually do it instead of going "aw, fuck it, I CAN'T fit them all in, so I will miss several days of them." Maybe. I am so busy. There is nothing I want to give up: school, choir, running, seeing friends, work (hah! well I'd give up work, but the whole paying rent deal, you know..), seeing family, playin' guitar, SLEEPING. Now, if I could be paid to sleep, that would be awesome. I would finally be well-rested in order to earn overtime pay.

I was so braindead in chem class. I mixed up steps twice and took 30 minutes longer than needed for the last one. You add ethanol to the mixture, then put it in an ice bath for 30 minutes. Or, if you're me, you add nothing to the mixture and put it in an ice bath. And then 30 minutes later, you wonder why there are no crystals forming, and THEN add the ethanol and then wait another 30 minutes. But then you get nice lime green crystals that are so cute you don't mind the wait. Hee! I thought they'd be white, but I think I'm mixing it up with the ASA synthesis lab coming up. I've done so many of these labs before. ASA was recently moved from the first term lab to the second term lab, so I'm repeating it, and then all the labs up until yesterday's I'd done once before in the summer, before I dropped the course. In three weeks there will be labs I haven't done before. In the meantime, I am getting to be the bomb with my lab techniques through repetition. When I'm AWAKE, that is. But anyway, you want a wussy 1st year titration done, baby you got my number.

Is this organ not beautiful? It's brand new and I want to go hear it. I didn't hear 'bout it until after the inaugural gala deal, though, (not that I could have gone to edmonton that weekend anyway) so there's no hope of hearing saint-saens' symphony #3, at least not this year. I have been playing my cd of the philly playing it in 1962 over and over. Swoon.

Spider Robinson's premises always sound so DUMB, but then I can't put the books down once I start. I just read the free lunch, which sounded like an implausible thinly-veiled rant about how he likes disneyland. But no, it's an awesome book, as usual. Maybe a little sloppy, but it kind of felt like it was that way because he was having too much fun to slow down and fiddle with it. I was having too much fun reading it to slow down and criticize it much anyhow, and any criticism I may have had has been wiped clear by my gratitude for the coffee trick he mentions several times in the book. If you add a pinch of salt to your coffee grounds, the coffee is drastically less bitter. It works! The man is a fucking genius! Well, I can't speak to that, actually, but a COFFEE genius at least. I need to buy that man a drink.

Hmm. Actually, as the man who wrote the Callahan books, he probably has a list of fans wanting to buy him a drink longer than he would care to exercise. Or if not longer, then possessing the quality "would involve hours of random fan blathering", and you know science fiction cons are great, but they're the kind of Kentucky Fried Chicken great where once every two years is about plenty.

What the hell was I talking about again?

Oh yeah. So maybe I'll just buy some of his books instead and he can buy himself a damn drink. I don't have enough of his books on my shelves anyhow, as the local libraries are chock full of him. I know the librarian in charge of sci-fi and fantasy is a big fan, and he lives in town sometimes so there are all sorts of signed copies floating around and you know. I think about half my friends don't use the library at all because they have outstanding fines from overdue books when they were younger. This baffles me completely. That would be like, never going to the bathroom again because you ran out of toilet paper. It's just something you need, damnit! But anyway, they may be nuts, but they're my friends (who doubtless tolerate all sorts of nonsense similar in magnitude from me), and therefore I need good books to inflict upon them with a zealous look in my eye.

I am developing a case of senile rant before my time. I will have had so much practice by the time I'm 80. Beware!

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
start spreading the news! ASA is used as a platelet inhibitor and is in the reference drug program! - 2003-11-20
I've got a disease, I'm addicted to cheese - 2003-11-20
when I think of the time gone by - 2003-11-16
the pancakes of blushful Hippocrene had not been entirely filling - 2003-11-14
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