do you want to go for a walk walk walk

I have a song I've never heard before stuck in my head! By The Cinch. Someone was singing the catchiest part of their catchiest tune last night and by god, it caught. I keep missing their shows, but next time, gadget, next time! I think I'll go get their EP today, to put me out of my misery. Or begin the misery of my roommate as I start to sing it all the time. This may represent more of a changing of the misery guard, because since I'm back in choir I am already singing all the time.

Okay you know what fucking rocks? How I am full of singing. Today I sang all the way from home to the skytrain and it is easier and easier to just not give a fuck what the other people think. There is choir practice, and there is singing at church, and there is sunday nights singing with the fambly (and this sunday there were guests with new songs! rock.)

Do you want to go for a walk, walk, walk! Augh! This has happened before with the airplane noises from whole lotta love, although this time it won't take me three years to finally hear the real version.

okay you know what else I have stuck in my head? I'll Fly Away, which is on the O Brother, Where Art Thou soundtrack if you've heard that. What an awesome song! We sang that like 18 times last night and almost the whole way home. But it's not AS stuck in my head as this song I've never heard. I am suspicious that the cinch have the same magical powers as the evaporators. (so magic that now I have MERCURY OUTBOARDS HAVE PLASTIC PROPELLERS, THAT'S WHAT I'M GONNA TELLLLLLL HER YEAH stuck in my head too. It's a fucking party in there.)

One of my part time jobs when I win the lottery and start a cat ranch is going to be curating a lending library. Then I can spend the day combing through used bookstores. Yesterday I topped up my robinson and heinlein collection, both of which were very spotty owing to their excellent representation at the library. Now they are still a bit spotty, but mostly because heinlein wrote SO many juveniles and I want all of them. So there you are. Anyway, I almost have the bookstore guy trained not to ask if I know about their discount if you buy 6 or more books. Because oh yes, I know about it and qualify every time I go there. They have a new store! (This is Pulp Fiction, my favourite bookstore in city limits. Forget that, favourite bookstore period. Renaissance has a little more sci-fi and way more oz books, but I never daydream about going there to look for new stuff. Too musty or something.) It's twice as big. I am now devoting my considerable psychic powers (ha ha ha.) to making the sci-fi section occupy all of the extra space. It's not working so far, but I'll keep trying. Part of the new space is taken up by a vintage like, 50s? stove. It looks like you could just add fins and fly in to space in it, so there's that.

Do you want to go for a walk, walk walk! I swear to god, I'm singing "It's a small world!" to this guy the next time I see him. He's lucky I'll totally forget to.

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