I want some of what you're sittin' on

Hooray, my pie reputation is saved. I made a lime meringue pie and it was terribly non-awful. I got a job offer as "pie slave", but I think I'll take a pass.

My cold is gone! Allelu, allelu, allelu. Well, I'm still hacking a little bit, but pshaw. Still choppin' it up, scrapping and fighting.. uh..

Stupid financial exam, mark two, this thursday. Studying begins... now! Heh, well, maybe. Then I just have a case study left and then no more bloody finance industry courses. Not that they're that bad or totally uninteresting, but .. okay, well, they're bad and largely uninteresting. That's the thing with them. Moving on.

Ugh, I am finding it hard to get back to running regularly. I am going to run today, perhaps while my clothes are doing their little laundromat workout. This weekend's excuse was having no workout clothes and no clean clothes to change in to after and no towels to dry off with. I had been putting off my laundry, but finally decided to buckle down and do it.. and doh! That's when we discovered boy had lost the laundry card. (full of cash! damnit. some bandit is drying their clothes on our nickel, though I'll admit I prefer this method to the one where they take your wet clothes out of the dryer and steal it.) And some good pliers, but he's more broken up about that one than I am. So anyway, I did an emergency "gah I need clean underwear!" wee load at his parents' house and this evening I'm off to laundromat land.

(okay, the pliers: someone else had broken off their laundry card in the slot. so boy was like, well, the landlord hasn't fixed this, so I'm going to take my pliers and pull it out so I can do my laundry. and he did, and it worked and yay boy! but apparently he left the pliers and our card downstairs, and now they're gone gone gone. it's terribly sad. and damnit I wanna do my laundry. oh, that absentminded mad scientist boy of mine...)

toot toot!

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moving sale, one day only! - 2003-11-24
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